Adventure Program and our first Field Trips

Next Friday, September 29, we will spend the day at Morse Hill as part of a launch of our Adventure Program journey!  We will do group problem solving activities, orienteering skills, games, and a pond challenge.  Kids should come dressed to get wet!

We will continue to do Adventure Program activities once a month, and there will be no fees for the program.  We will go Monday afternoons and plan to eat lunch at Morse Hill. Students may buy school lunch those days. We will be spending three hours on Monday afternoons in the fall and spring and two hours in the winter.


Our culminating trip will be a canoe trip in June. We raise funds at the Harvest Festival by selling burritos and cider (hot and cold).


Look for a permission slip to come home soon for a hike up Brushy Mountain too! We will aim for peak leaf time. Parents are welcome to join us on the October hike and the June paddle!

Welcome Back to LES!

We are off to a strong start, with students working hard, getting to know one another and the new routines, and welcoming new students.

We have also convened a Constitutional Convention and written a Grade 5 Constitution for 2017-2018:


Fifth Graders will

Take care of materials

-pick up after yourself

Be respectful to others:

-be kind

-listen to others

-include others as best you can

-be trustworthy

-be responsible for your own behavior (with fidgets, etc.) take responsibility

Focus: Do your best:  100% effort

-ask for help if you need it: you are responsible for your own learning

-be trustworthy

Follow the Spirit as well as the letter of the law (don’t look for loopholes)


What we need from teachers:

-Help us learn

-Listen to all sides

-Guide us

Remind us of rules and expectations

-Challenge us (help us but not too much)