Canoe Trip!

It was a windy adventure on Tully Lake as 8 boats embarked on a journey of exploration… the Fifth Grade finale!

Thanks once again to all the parents who accompanied us and to Victoria Shaw and Siri Om Fuller for making this experience possible. A big thank you to the Leverett PTO for helping us pay for transportation for our trip and to the parents who helped raise money at the Harvest Festival in October!

Brook Trout Farewell!

We said goodbye to our brook trout today. They have been with us since December and they have grown a whole lot since then! We wish them good luck as they swim in new waters beyond the fifth grade classroom in the years to come!

The Whole World is a… Grapefruit?

As part of our study of geography, we used grapefruit to model the earth and tried to turn the three-dimensional skins into two dimensional maps. The students were creative and the results were surprising!